- Guests are only allowed access to the property.
- The pool can be accessed at the following times: 08:00 – 20:00
- Access to children under the age of 12 and unaccompanied disabilities is prohibited due to the absence of the bathing assistant.
- The depth of the pool is 1.40 meters in all its parts
- It is forbidden to dive and run on the tank floor
- It is recommended not to get wet less than three hours after eating a meal
- Smoking is forbidden and it is not possible to consume food and drink on the bathtub floor and in the changing rooms
- It is mandatory to access the pool by passing the bathtub where there is a shower that should be used before entering the water
- Free diving activities are prohibited without the presence of a licensed instructor
- It is forbidden to introduce animals
- The use of sunscreen and hair oils before entering the bathtub is prohibited
- Bottles, glass objects and other objects not strictly related to bathing are prohibited in the pool
- Bathing is prohibited in particular weather (temporal) conditions
- It is forbidden to enter the pool to people in an altered psychophysical state (drunkness, alterations from narcotics etc…)or even in obvious conditions of insecurity, such as to pose a risk to the safety of the subject himself
- Management does not respond in any way to any accidents, accidents or anything that may happen to bathers for behaviour attributable to them, especially if in violation of this regulation
- For children under the age of 3, as well as for physiologically incontinent users, the use of special containment costumes is mandatory
- Under the law, showering and bathing without a costume are prohibited